Grady Brandon Garcia Septmeber 14, 2009 What an amazing day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had us all fooled thinking he was going to be here weeks early but Grady has proven to be a little guy on his own terms. Being offically overdue I began to think that he was just on a slower pace than how things had went for me with Gabe. He was offically one day late when I went into labor on Sept. 13. I showed up to the hospital about 8:30 p.m and they were not even so sure they were going to keep me at first. Progressing quickly into labor they ended up getting me a room after about 45 minutes. Labor pains were intense but after an epidural things were a breeze. When the nurse decided I was ready she made a call to the doctor to come in. She said she wanted me to try a "test push"... this "test push" would be the only time I push for the rest of labor. Rosemary the nurse immidialtely told me not to push anymore and that we needed to wait for the doctor to arrive. With in 5 minutes and "no pushing later" Rosemary delivered Grady. He was born at 2:14 am on Sept. 14 (now sharing a birthday with Heather.... one of my best friends ever) The doctor showed up about 30 seconds later :) Gabe was so excited to meet his little brother and had the most heartwarming expressions to meeting him the first time. We are feeling truly blessed to have our amazing boys. Thanks to everyone for all the support and prayers. Cheers to the next chapter of our lives ( Family of four) :) Hospital Visitors :)
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