Sunday, October 3, 2010

WoW its been so long since I has posted on my blog.... I have mainly been updated the blog I set up for my grandparents which is so if you want to be filled in on life up til this point check it out LOL. Anyways life is good. Brandon is the most amazing husband and father and still surprises me everyday with how much love and patience he has. Grady is one now and has developed his own little personality. He is super cute and keeps me on my toes. Him and I attend a Music Together class once a week. And then theres Gabe... who all of our lives are centered around. Kindergarten, soccer, playmates, and whatever else he has going on is usually what we are all about. As for me... I just trying to keep up. :)

Here are some pics I took today of Cami Jo and Grady.... Mostly Cami Jo haha I wasn't really prepared to take Grady's but just got lucky with a couple... enjoy :)